Die Before you Die: How to tell the truth so you can start living


Suicide is business as usual, anxiety is the new status quo and everyone and their mom is getting cancer. Why? Because no one wants to tell the truth about how they really feel about things.

Telling the truth feels like dying. And let’s face it, no one wants to die - or worse - get canceled. But think about all those times when you held back your true thoughts and how that made you feel? When you didn’t tell your boyfriend how you really felt because you were scared of losing the relationship; or when you didn't speak up at work because you didn’t want to lose your job; or when you didn't share your true opinion that night out with friends to avoid embarrassment. Every time you held back, you started to build a little bit of resentment, apathy and depression, until your life felt like it really sucked.

The reason you don't say what you think is because to face those feelings feels like a death in itself. If your boyfriend leaves, or you lose your job or experience embarrassment from speaking up, that all feels like death. But when you avoid this you can never truly be alive either. You are always a slave to an assumed outcome or a necessary one.

To die before you die then is to allow yourself to experience those little deaths, even if they hurt, so you can live a more full and happy life before you actually die.